
How to implement a CRM into your business

Samantha Joyce
February 15, 2023

How to implement a CRM into your business

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is a powerful tool that can help businesses streamline their sales, marketing, and customer service efforts. But for many companies, the challenge is not just in selecting the right CRM program, but in training their employees to use it effectively.  

In this blog post, we'll explore some tips and strategies for training your business on how to use a CRM program.  

Start with a plan

Before you begin training, it's important to have a clear plan in place. Identify the key goals and objectives you hope to achieve with the CRM program, as well as the specific features and functionality that your employees will need to be trained on.  Some examples of goals might include:   
Consistent input of customer information - if this is a goal it will be important your team are training on what information you want and where it should be input.
Customer Segmentation - with most CRM programs you can tag customers with an identifiable field and then report on those fields.  For examples, you might want to tag your customers by industry, i.e., agriculture or finance.  Then you can report on this tag and send specific emails.  The benefit of this is your clients get highly personalised content that is relevant for them.  This will increase your engagement and often result in better sales outcomes. 

Make it relevant

One of the keys to successful training is making the material relevant to your employees. Show them how the CRM program will help them in their day-to-day tasks and how it will benefit the company as a whole. 

Explain the business process

This is key as it explains the agreed marketing – sales – operations – service process so everyone is on the same page and understands why sticking to the process is important. Do not allow deviations from the agreed process. 

Focus on the ‘WIFM’ (what’s in it for me?)

Make sure you identify how the new software will make your staff's life easier. What are the really cool features and functions that they will like? What areas will it improve for them as well as you? 

Provide hands-on training.

Instead of just giving a lecture or presentation on how to use the CRM program, provide hands-on training so your employees can get a feel for the software and practice using it in a real-world setting. Define the specific "use cases" that you are going to train on and focus on these things.

Encourage participation

Encourage your employees to ask questions and provide feedback during training. This will help to ensure that they understand the material and feel comfortable using the software. 

Follow-up and support

Training does not end when the session is over. Follow up with your employees to ensure they are using the CRM program correctly and provide support when needed.  We recommend a monthly training session for at least the first 3  months post-implementation. 

Make it a continuous process

CRM software is a powerful tool that can help businesses streamline their sales, marketing, and customer service efforts. But for many companies, the challenge is not just in selecting the right CRM program, but in training their employees to use it effectively. 

Implementing a CRM program can take time and effort, but the payoff can be significant. By following these tips, you can train your employees on how to use the CRM program effectively and in turn, unlock business growth. 

Interested in finding the best CRM for your business? Read: 

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