
Alchemy Agencies Case Study Article

June 2, 2022

With a start-up staff count of around eight, Alchemy Agencies put in place an in-house system based on Microsoft Access around three years ago. However, to gain thorough visibility of supply roadblocks, New Zealand importer and distributor Alchemy Agencies had to move to a more modern Customer Relationship Management platform.

“It started out just as an individual tool, a tool for myself to manage my customers and projects,” Alchemy Agencies Director Nick Bray says. “Then it expanded from there, we bolted on more functionality and some of the other team members started to use it as well.”

It was at this point those problems started to arise. Bray realised that the system was not scalable, and employees had to be in the office to use it, which was not very convenient considering most of them are out of the office all day in customer meetings. For what Alchemy Agencies was getting, the system was expensive. “So that’s when we decided we needed to go to a different platform”, says Bray.

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